Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
In compliance with The Drug Free Schools & Campuses Act of 1989, this policy provides information and guidelines for students regarding use of alcohol and other drugs on campus.
This policy applies to all University of Dayton students.
Policy History
I. Effective Date: March 11, 1991
II. Approval: December 13, 2024
III. History:
- Approved in its original form: March 11, 1991
- Approved as amended: June 12, 2000
- Approved as amended: February 27, 2014
- Approved as amended: December 13, 2024
IV. Maintenance of Policy: Vice President for Student Development, Student Development
Alcohol Policy
Use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages under the legal drinking age, distribution of alcohol to any person under the legal drinking age, drinking in public, public intoxication, or possessing an open container outside a private space, sale or manufacturing alcohol, driving under the influence of alcohol, possession or distribution of alcohol from a mass container or from outside its original packaging, possession of consumption devices, possession of items used to facilitate drinking games and/or behavior that promotes underage or irresponsible drinking, and, abuse (loss of motor skills, slurred speech, inability to speak coherently, requiring medical attention, passing out, vomiting, loss of memory or hospitalization) are not permitted. High risk drinking activities also constitute abuse of alcohol. Such activities include but are not limited to drinking large quantities of alcohol, consuming alcohol at an accelerated pace (chugging, pre-gaming or participating in a drinking game), the use of beer bongs and/or any activity that promotes irresponsible drinking, or the use of alcohol with medication or other controlled substances. Any item that is used to rapidly consume alcohol or used to facilitate high risk drinking may be confiscated and may not be returned. Additionally, the use of alcohol containers/packaging for decoration and/or signage, and advertising that can be seen by the general public is not permitted on University property. (Note: Students are responsible for all aspects of the code of conduct both on and off campus.)
Other Drugs
Use and/or possession of marijuana*, prescription use or possession of marijuana on campus property, use or possession of nicotine or products used to consume nicotine when under the legal age (21) to do so, use or possession of heroin, cocaine, acid, narcotics, or other controlled substances, use of any general product as an intoxicant or as a means to get high, manufacturing, growing, distributing, selling, attempting to sell, or transferring any controlled substances, driving while impaired or under the influence of drugs, improper use, misuse, possession, or distribution of prescription drugs or over the counter medications, possession of paraphernalia commonly used to consume drugs (includes, but is not limited to, pipes, bongs, hookahs, home-made smoking devices, vape materials with suspected illegal substances, or items that have markings of use for drug-related behavior, such as burned spoons), use of any product or substance as a means to get another person high or alter another person’s physical state and/or mental capacity are not permitted.
Note: *Students who have proper documentation from the State of Ohio for the medical use of marijuana are not permitted to use or possess the substance on campus, including in UD housing. A student with such a prescription who is otherwise required to live in UD housing would need to seek an accommodation from the housing requirement.
Mitigating Circumstances
The University encourages students to seek medical attention for themselves and others when needed and recognizes that the potential for disciplinary action may be a barrier to seeking medical assistance for issues involving the use of alcohol or other drugs. It is for this reason that CS&C offers medical amnesty through participation in a diversion program (known as the Blueprint Program.)
More information can be found in the Student Standards of Behavior and Code of Conduct under medical amnesty.
Reference Documents
Appendix A: Outreach & Education Efforts
Outreach & Education Efforts
The University of Dayton (UD), Center for Alcohol and Other Drugs Resources and Education (CADRE), utilizes a comprehensive approach to substance misuse prevention based the recommendations of evidence-based resources including the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the Institute of Medicine’s classification for prevention service delivery to address levels of risk, and College AIM, which is a best practice resource with vetted individual and environmental level strategies to address college alcohol use. College AIM recommends colleges and universities conduct alcohol screening in adults aged 18 or older and provide brief behavioral interventions for the full range of unhealthy drinking behaviors, from risky drinking to alcohol use disorders. Other evidence-based college programs include AlcoholEDU and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates modules through Vector Solutions, Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS), Cannabis Screening and Intervention for College Students (CASICS), ScreenU, and eCHECK UP TO GO.
CADRE’s services have a clear purpose for supporting student’s holistic wellbeing including students who wish to abstain from alcohol and other drugs by choice students who are in or seeking recovery from a substance use disorder.
In addition, CADRE supports students in finding and engaging alternative activities that exclude alcohol and drug use through the provision of constructive and healthy activities.
These efforts work to ensure the Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) requirements of all institutions of higher education (IHEs) that receive federal funds are met and our educational efforts are in alignment with policies enforced. The required review has two objectives:
1) To determine the effectiveness of, and to implement any needed changes to, the alcohol and other drugs prevention program.
2) To ensure that campuses enforce the disciplinary sanctions for violating standards of conduct consistently.
All University students are provided access to the Policy and Code of Conduct through an annual letter from VP and Associate VP/Dean of Students. Additionally, the biennial report shared with community members addresses AOD programming and support and consistency of policy enforcement as required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA).