Web Accessibility Policy
Web Accessibility Policy
In keeping with the University of Dayton’s commitment to the dignity of every person, this policy memorializes the University’s commitment to ensuring that information provided through the University’s websites is accessible to students, prospective students, faculty, staff, guests, and visitors with disabilities.
University students, prospective students, faculty, staff, visitors, guests, and vendors/suppliers.
Policy History
Effective Date: June 3, 2019
Approval: January 21, 2025
Policy History:
- Approved in Original Form: June 3, 2019
- Approved as amended: January 21, 2025
Maintenance of Policy: Vice President and Chief Information Officer, University of Dayton Information Technology (UDit)
a. Accessibility – for purposes of this policy means that a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in equivalent interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use. Although this might not result in identical ease of use compared to that of persons without disabilities, it still must ensure equal opportunity to the educational benefits and opportunities afforded by University websites and equal treatment in the use of such websites.
b. Content Management System – refers to the approved, templated content management system the University uses for publishing online content on behalf of the University.
c. Content contributors ─ are individuals who have been trained in the use of the University’s content management systems and web style guidelines and standards and have been granted access by WebMAT (or persons authorized to grant access to University resources) to create and edit but not publish Website content.
d. Content managers ─ are individuals who have been trained in the use of the University’s content management systems and web style guidelines and standards and have been granted access by WebMAT (or persons authorized to grant access to University resources) to create, edit, and publish Website content.
e. Equally effective ─ for purposes of this policy refers to web content that was developed and published prior to the effective date of this policy.
f. Legacy content ─ for purposes of this policy refers to web content that was developed and published prior to the effective date of this policy.
g. Technical standard ─ for purposes of this policy refers to the standard the University uses to determine the accessibility of online content. Unless a different standard is listed in the Appendix to this policy, the Technical Standard is the set of standards established in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines document, version 2.0 (WCAG).
h. Web Management and Advisory Team (WebMAT) ─ refers to the University’s digital content governance group, which provides support to content contributors, content managers and units to assist in compliance with the University's web strategy and this policy.
i. Website (sometimes referred to as “University’s website(s)”) ─ for purposes of this policy refers to the collection of webpages that the University of Dayton or University units make available online for purposes of conducting official University business, using the University’s content management system. “Website” for purposes of this policy does not include unofficial or non-University websites published by University employees, students, or by any organization not sponsored or controlled by the University.
In fulfillment of its nondiscrimination obligations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and its implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. Part 104, the University has developed this policy to help ensure that individuals with disabilities are able to acquire information and perform online tasks through the use of the University’s websites. The University is committed to ensuring that information provided through University websites is accessible to students, prospective students, faculty, staff, guests, and visitors with disabilities, in as effective a manner as such information is accessible to individuals without disabilities. All University personnel who are involved in the preparation, maintenance, and/or procurement of University websites and web-based applications are expected to adopt the University’s commitment to web accessibility with the assistance of campus resources dedicated to supporting web accessibility.
Accessibility Standard
University websites published after the effective date of this policy and information provided through its websites after the effective date of this policy should conform to the University’s technical standard.
The University will assess legacy content on a periodic basis to determine compliance with the technical standard. The University will modify legacy content on a prioritized basis. Individuals can request that legacy content be made available when content is inaccessible using the Request procedures set forth in the Appendix. Priority will be given to such requests on a first-come first-served basis.
Website Accessibility Coordinator
The University of Dayton has designated a Website Accessibility Coordinator to coordinate and implement this policy. The Website Accessibility Coordinator’s responsibilities and authority include but are not limited to:
- Serving as a resource for content contributors, content managers, and other University constituents regarding how to create and manage web content in compliance with this policy;
- Development, implementation, and oversight of annual training for content managers and content contributors regarding the requirements of this policy, and their roles and responsibilities for ensuring that web design, documents, and multimedia content are accessible;
- Development and implementation of a plan to regularly audit (with appropriate documentation) University websites and information accessible through University websites for adherence to this policy (each such audit known as a “web accessibility audit”);
- Evaluation and remediation, within a reasonable period of time, of any issues identified in a web accessibility audit;
- Evaluation, management, and determination of exceptions to the accessibility standards in this policy (in consultation with WebMAT, if and when appropriate);
- Authorization to request corrective action by a University unit (and responsible content manager) for webpages that are not in compliance with this policy;
- When warranted (i.e., unjustified refusal to take or prolonged delay in implementing corrective action as requested, or non-compliant content on a particularly well-traveled or prominent webpage), the authority to unpublish webpages that are not in compliance with this policy.
- Note that WebMAT, University Marketing & Communications, and UDit also have this authority.
- Regular monitoring of best practices for web accessibility, including what technical standard the University should adopt for purposes of fulfilling its commitment to accessibility;
- Authorization to recommend to WebMAT that a content contributor’s or manager’s rights be revoked, for repeated violations of this policy;
- Any other authorization necessary to implement this policy.
The identity of and contact information for the Website Accessibility Coordinator is listed in the Appendix of this policy.
Request and Complaint Procedures
In furtherance of its commitment to accessibility, the University has established procedures for students, prospective students, faculty, staff, guests, and visitors with disabilities who encounter a barrier related to University web content to seek technical assistance, to file a complaint, to request accommodations, and/or to request access to legacy content. These procedures are set forth in the Appendix.
Procurement Procedures
In furtherance of its commitment to accessibility, the University has established procedures to help ensure that information provided through its website that is developed by third party providers is accessible. This procedure is set forth in the Appendix to this policy. University personnel in UDit, Procurement & Payable Services, the Office of Legal Affairs, Marketing & Communications, and any other individuals involved in securing third-party web content or services on behalf of the University should be familiar with these procedures and incorporate them into their work when applicable.
Under the oversight of the Website Accessibility Coordinator, the University will conduct accessibility audits at regular intervals to determine the extent to which its websites (and information provided through its websites) complies with the technical standard. Any problems identified through such audits will be documented, evaluated, and, if necessary, a plan developed for remediation within a reasonable period of time.
In certain circumstances, exceptions to this policy may be granted. This policy does not require adherence to the technical standard when compliance is not possible, would constitute an undue administrative burden, would result in a fundamental alteration, or would otherwise require extraordinary measures. Individual content contributors or content managers may request exceptions to this policy by contacting the Website Accessibility Coordinator and making such a request in writing, being sure to include the justification(s) for the exception and also indicating how content might otherwise be available upon request. Requests for exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Website Accessibility Coordinator in consultation with WebMAT, if and when appropriate. Requests will be granted or denied in writing.
Reference Documents
- Appendix A to Web Accessibility Policy: Procedures
- University of Dayton Nondiscrimination & Anti-Harrassment Policy
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended
- 34 C.F.R. Part 104
Appendix A to Web Accessibility Policy: Procedures
Table of Contents
1. Technical Standard
2. Website Accessibility Coordinator
3. Request and Complaint Procedure
4. Procurement Procedures
1. Technical Standard:
The current applicable technical standard is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) document, version 2.1, at conformance level AA.
The following clarification applies to the preceding standard with regard to this policy:
- As of January 31, 2023, all electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) uploaded and published via OhioLINK ETD Center shall meet the minimum requirements for digitally accessible PDF files set out by the OhioLINK ETD Center Advisory Council.
2. Website Accessibility Coordinator
The University of Dayton’s Website Accessibility Coordinator is Amy Martino, who can be reached at the following:
Amy Martino
Senior Web Support Analyst, Software Engineering & Web Engineering
University of Dayton
Miriam Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469-2207
Phone: 937-229-4232
3. Request and Complaint Procedure
a. Report Access Barriers: Reports regarding concerns about web accessibility can be filed by contacting the Website Accessibility Coordinator. The Website Accessibility Coordinator or a designee will review a submitted form or other information provided by a reporter and assess the web content issue. The Website Accessibility Coordinator or a designee will determine a means to resolve the accessibility issue. The resolution will be communicated to the reporter. If the determination is made that there is not an accessibility barrier, this will also be communicated to the reporter. Students who have questions or want to request an accommodation should do so by contacting the Office of Learning Resources (937-229-2066) or using OLR’s online accommodations request form available at the following link: http://rainier.accessiblelearning.com/UDayton/ApplicationStudent.aspx
b. Equity Complaint: If an individual is dissatisfied with the access, accommodation or other solution provided through avenue (a), the individual may file a complaint under the University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. Such a complaint may be made by submitting a report to the Equity Compliance Office at the following link: http://connectgrad.shushijia.net/finadmin/campus/nondiscrimination/reporting-and-appeals/index.php Reports made to the Equity Compliance Office will be reviewed and addressed in coordination with other offices at the University with expertise in web accessibility issues (e.g., UDit, OLR, etc.).
4. Procurement Procedure
University personnel or units who contract with third-party vendors to provide website services or other information provided through the University’s websites are expected to use vendors with a proven commitment to website accessibility. If a request for qualifications (RFQ) or request for proposals (RFP) is used to identify a vendor who can meet the unit’s needs, language regarding each potential vendor’s commitment to accessibility should be included in the RFQ or RFP. At the contracting stage, language should be inserted into the agreement memorializing the vendor’s commitment and obligation to satisfy the University’s technical standard. If a vendor is unable or unwilling to provide written assurance that its services will be accessible to individuals with disabilities, then the contracting employee or unit does not have authority to proceed with that vendor.
Recommended language is as follows:
- During RFQ/RFP stage: “The University of Dayton is committed to ensuring that information provided through the University’s websites is accessible to its students, prospective students, employees, guests and visitors with disabilities. Please confirm whether your content, services and/or information meets WCAG 2.0 standards. If your system or content is not accessible, please explain when it will be or if there is an equivalent accessible alternative.”
- Language for contracts: “Vendor hereby warrants that the products or services to be provided under this agreement comply with the University of Dayton web accessibility requirements. Vendor agrees to promptly respond to and resolve any complaint brought to its attention regarding accessibility of its products or services. Vendor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the University or any University entity using the vendor's products or services from any claim arising out of its failure to comply with the University’s web accessibility. Failure to comply with these requirements shall constitute a breach and be grounds for termination of this agreement."
University personnel in UDit, Procurement & Payable Services, the Office of Legal Affairs, Marketing & Communications, and other individuals involved in securing third-party web content or services on behalf of the University shall incorporate the above or comparable language into RFQs, RFPs and contracts, as appropriate, regarding such content or services provided by third-party vendors.