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Floor Maps

First Floor

Services: Hello Desk; Information Point; item borrowing and return; self-checkout; Write Place

Spaces: Stuart and Mimi Rose Gallery; huddle rooms; Refuel Zone (vending); lactation room; Dialogue Zone

Technology: computers; printer, scanner and copier

Collections: magazines; newspapers; microforms; reference and encyclopedias; leisure reading, including popular romance and graphic medicine; media equipment

Sound level: noisy

Second Floor

Spaces: Collab, Concourse D, Gathering Place, huddle rooms,  Scholars’ Commons, Story Studio

Technology: ViewHub; computers with double monitors; recording and video editing 

Sound level: noisy

Third Floor

Spaces: U.S. Catholic Special Collection; Marian Library collections

Sound level: considerate

Fourth Floor

Spaces: team and individual study rooms; honors program team room

Call numbers: C, D, E, F, G, Q, R, S, T

Subjects: biography; history; geography; sports; science; medicine; technology; government documents

Sound level: conversational

Fifth Floor

Spaces: team and individual study rooms; Cameron Corner leisure reading; Roesch Retreat

Call numbers: A, H, P, U, V, Z

Subjects: general works; social sciences; language and literature; military science; naval science; bibliographies

Sound level: considerate

Sixth Floor

Spaces: team and individual study rooms; Pauline A. Money Collection (nun dolls)

Call numbers: B, J, K, L, M, N; DVDs

Subjects: philosophy; psychology; religion; political science; law; education; music; fine arts

Sound level: silent

Seventh Floor

Spaces: Marian Library; Gallery; Reading Room; Crèche Museum

Sound Level: considerate